Tuesday 9 June 2020

Dark Mirror By Bemen - Let's write a poem 2

She refused to have a look at the mirror,
Thought the real she would cause her terror,
Staying a way of such reality,
 But she would be destroyed by such a mentality.

Although the vast majority urged her to have a look,
She seems to still be having an old shock,
One friend suggested writing on a paper,
But; what should be written on it later.

She had something inside, that must be shown to light,
Or she will stay living in that everlasting night,
Just give it a try and seek to write,
Cause that will move you to face the right.

Hesitating at the beginning, but still, hope,
To just dress that dusty sheet its ink robe,
That remedy is used to be all over the globe,
And many have created a way of that road.

After a while, she got a pen and placed it on,
That rough dust on paper that had just gone,
Suddenly she saw a face, yes “it’s me” she cried,
It was a surprise to just see herself right.

How releasing that feeling was,
To come back to herself after that long pause,
That was the real mirror she always delayed,
To take a step forward and finally, she got paid.

For such a release in her emotion,
That led her and others to a great promotion,
Then she tried hard to spread the news and how it is pretty,
Like the Samaritan woman who went her way into the city,

Feeling joyous and refreshed of releasing the dark side inside,
 and willing to bring the news of Christ to everyone around.
A friend became the paper to her,
From dark one into a marvelous mirror.

By Bemen Farag 
May 2020

Go to this Sway

Try writing your own poem using rhyming words like the sample above here on padlet:
Click the following link to write your poem on padlet:

Try writing your own piece of poetry.

Monday 11 May 2020

The prodigal son - By Bemen

The Prodigal son- By Bemen Farag
Lost for days all these gloomy nights,
waiting for the sun bright lights
Desires of mine to find a guide,
To rest after prolonged struggling tide.

Where’s the key? I wondered aloud,
With it to place the frightening wood sound,
Complaints of mine have found none around,
The harmony is hiding in my own mind.

The maze is wide jammed with the wild,
Perceived they aim to catch me tight,
Persistently beseech to fetch the key,
That no one on its way could ever see.

For the purpose of liberty out of the maze,
To free oneself of much-loaded phase,
My proper dream of bliss fell into ruin,
By neglecting the genuine artist within.

Busy scheduled with prodigal living over and over,
Striving for the swine’s pods out of the border,
How I perish here with hunger,
And servants of my father are richer,

I will rise from my sins admit,
A servant to my father, me I hope him to accept,
But the father ran towards me with great compassion,
Bringing the best robe, sandals and ring, giving permission.

A thick blanket of fog has been lifted,
As a new board of wood to be painted,
A ray of hope appeared on the horizon,
Cause haunted memories have been forgiven and forgotten.

Thanks for your time
Bemen Farag
May 2020

Monday 20 May 2019

I was admired by that awesome analogy :
A conversation is like reading a book.
you can turn to any page you want.
you can flip to your favourite chapter.
you can read as long as you want,
and you can read what you want,
and every person, trust me, is a really good book.
and it saddens me so much
that entire human lives are being boiled down to 140 characters
and catchy headlines.
Because that's not what we are.
We are not a bridged versions.
We are entire human stories.
We deserve more from each other.
So what are you going to do in this big world we call the library?
Are you going to walk around,
look at the hard bound copies
and read the titles?
or are you going to actually reach for a book, open a page and start reading a story?
You decide.
Thank you

 Malavika Varadan | TEDx